Episode 38 - The Cannabis Seed Game with guest Eric Wimber

Episode 38 - The Cannabis Seed Game with guest Eric Wimber

Selling cannabis seeds is a serious hustle. Like the fine artist painters of old, today's cannabis breeders are creating extraordinary cannabis strains, and at the same time being ingenious with their marketing and outreach. They have to be visionary with the genetics and still know how to crush social media in their own way. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los speaks with Eric Wimber of Dungeons Vault Genetics about the challenges and rewards of breeding and selling championship cannabis seeds.

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Episode 37 - The Nexus of Medical Cannabis and Hemp with guest Seth Crawford

Episode 37 - The Nexus of Medical Cannabis and Hemp with guest Seth Crawford

Patients often try to save money or stay legal by using CBD from industrial fiber hemp but there is little scientific support for its efficacy when used alone. Now though, a new generation of plants exist that are closer genetically to traditional medical cannabis plants but are also legally hemp plants. These plants will remake the current CBD hemp market. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with agricultural-scale cannabis breeder Seth Crawford about these new cultivars of cannabis and why their difference is so meaningful.

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Episode 36 - Breathing and Cannabis with guest Robert Litman

Episode 36 - Breathing and Cannabis with guest Robert Litman

Breathing is an essential part of enjoying cannabis and yet we rarely think about it. And for the most part, most of us trade partial truths and full-on myths when talking about how cannabis interacts with the lungs. On today's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Robert Litman of The Breathable Body about the mechanics of breathing, what happens when we inhale cannabis, and best practices for keeping our lungs healthy.

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Episode 35 - The Rise of Korean Natural Farming with guest Chris Trump

Episode 35 - The Rise of Korean Natural Farming with guest Chris Trump

Korean Natural Farming is so hot right now. Probiotic farmers everywhere are learning KNF's exotic fermentation techniques to create their most thriving and potent plants ever. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Korean Natural Farming educator Chris Trump about KNF fermentation recipes, the importance of abundant indigenous microbe communities in the soil and working with the life-force in plants.

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Episode 34 - Our Chaotic, Entwined Cannabis Markets with guest Dominic Corva PhD

Episode 34 - Our Chaotic, Entwined Cannabis Markets with guest Dominic Corva PhD

To a casual observer, the licensed cannabis market may seem risky but essentially orderly. Of course, this is a fantasy because anyone actually involved in the process sees first hand the turbulent interplay of regulators, license holders, and the ever-present, ever-adaptable black market. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los speaks with Dominic Corva, Director of the Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social Policy, about the persistence of the unlicensed markets, the industrialization of corporate cannabis and how the licensed and unlicensed markets may continue to interact over time.

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Episode 33 - Cannabis Patent Drama and Realities with guest Reggie Gaudino PhD

Episode 33 - Cannabis Patent Drama and Realities with guest Reggie Gaudino PhD

Have no doubt that agricultural and pharmaceutical companies are coming for your cannabis genetics. And while these mega-corporations are well-funded and focused on their goals, heritage cannabis growers and enthusiasts are disorganized, unfunded and believe in a wide array of patent law myths. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks frankly with Reggie Gaudino PhD of Steep Hill Labs about the realities of cannabis genetics patenting today, the cannabis patents already awarded and the steps that must be taken today if the cannabis community is to defensively patent their cannabis cultivars.

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Episode 32 - Dead Bodies and Poop with guest Tad Hussey

Episode 32 - Dead Bodies and Poop with guest Tad Hussey

As common as animal nutrients are for growing cannabis, many of them remain exotic to most growers. Worm castings are known to many but what about crab shell flour, soldier flies or sea bird guano. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with probiotic growing educator Tad Hussey about the usefulness and sustainability of a wide array of animal inputs.

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Episode 31 - Considering Cannabis Stock Market Opportunities with guest Alan Brochstein

Episode 31 - Considering Cannabis Stock Market Opportunities with guest Alan Brochstein

The stock market is a moody beast. No matter how much insight you have or how many Fibonacci lines you draw on your charts, there are still innumerable pitfalls that can cross your path and ruin your trade. The risks involved skyrocket when you invest in a nascent industry like cannabis too. The rapidly changing market, lack of historical data and, of course, Federal cannabis prohibition all make investing in cannabis unlike investing in any other industry. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los speaks with Alan Brochstein of 420 Investor about opportunities in cannabis stocks, weighing the unique risks of the industry, and the cannabis hype machine.

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Episode 30 - Use Beneficial Insects and Leave Pesticides Behind with guest Shane Young

Episode 30 - Use Beneficial Insects and Leave Pesticides Behind with guest Shane Young

Cannabis enthusiasts are waking up to the dangers associated with pesticides and both state regulatory agencies and consumers are looking for cleaner, pesticide-free products. At the same time, cannabis growers are migrating away from chemicals and instead are choosing beneficial insects to defend their cannabis crops. On this week’s episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Shane Young of Natural Enemies about transitioning from pesticides to beneficial insects and some of the key considerations when making that change

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Episode 29 - Repeatable Results! Cannabis Manufacturing Standards with guest Jahan Marcu, PhD

Episode 29 - Repeatable Results! Cannabis Manufacturing Standards with guest Jahan Marcu, PhD

A key to enjoyable cannabis use is repeatable results. Whether you are a patient seeking relief or on your way to a party or the beach, knowing what effect taking cannabis will have on your human is exceptionally helpful. Potency testing and manufacturing standards have not been part of the prohibition-era cannabis market. As normalization widens and international cannabis trade begins, manufacturing standards are being developed that will impact the entire world. On this week’s episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los speaks with Jahan Marcu about how these standards are coming together and why they matter.

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Episode 28 - Botrytis & Powdery Mildew in Scientific Detail with guest Kevin McKernan

Episode 28 - Botrytis & Powdery Mildew in Scientific Detail with guest Kevin McKernan

Molds threaten every cannabis crop. From small patient grows to large scale commercial growing operations, cannabis growers must remain vigilant to avoid crop loss and contamination. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with Kevin McKernan of Medicinal Genomics about the biology of both Botrytis and Powdery Mildew, how it spreads, breeding for resistance and a new assay that detects it before it can be seen with the naked eye.

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Episode 27 - Cannabinoids and Terpenoids in Detail Part 2 with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

Episode 27 - Cannabinoids and Terpenoids in Detail Part 2 with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

Dr. Ethan Russo returns for Part 2 of our epic dive into the essential cannabis cannabinoids and terpenoids. During Shaping Fire episode 11, we went paragraph by paragraph through Dr. Russo's cornerstone "Taming THC" paper. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los and Dr. Russo review in detail his new, much longer, scientific paper co-authored with esteemed scientist Jahan Marcu, PhD titled "Cannabis Pharmacology: The Usual Suspects and a Few Promising Leads." The paper examines even more terpenes and other components for their healing properties and potential for future research.

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Episode 26 - Cannabis Root Ball Medicine with guest Natasha Ryz, PhD

Episode 26 - Cannabis Root Ball Medicine with guest Natasha Ryz, PhD

The cannabis root ball is usually discarded in modern cultivation, but that was not always the case. Healers throughout history have used the root ball for preparations, relieving a wide range of ailments. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with health researcher Natasha Ryz, PhD about her new paper, co-authored by renowned cannabis neurologist Dr. Ethan Russo and David Remillard, that illustrates the root ball's remarkable healing abilities beyond phytocannabinoids.

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Episode 25 - The Convoluted CBD Market with guest Seth Crawford

Episode 25 - The Convoluted CBD Market with guest Seth Crawford

The market for CBD is volatile and complex. As demand for Cannabidiol increases, the lack of a functioning nationwide market for CBD results in a morass of producers, product designers and patients all trying to cobble together some sort of reliable system. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with cannabis economy analyst Seth Crawford, Phd about the rising demand in the splintered CBD market and what the future may hold for investors, pharmaceutical companies and patients.

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Episode 24 - The Keeper Plants: Cannabis Breeding with guest Mean Gene

Episode 24 - The Keeper Plants: Cannabis Breeding with guest Mean Gene

Breeding cannabis plants takes planning, intuition and loads of patience. While there are many who claim to be breeders nowadays, there are precious few who have done the work to earn the title. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with Mean Gene, the legendary cannabis breeder from Mendocino California. Gene's company, Freeborn Selections has been breeding for the country's most elite growers since 1997. Their conversation spans best practices for breeding, using intuition when choosing plants, chemovar naming conventions and limited edition seed releases.

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Episode 23 - The Reality of Cannabis Trademarks with guest Neil Juneja

Episode 23 - The Reality of Cannabis Trademarks with guest Neil Juneja

The cannabis trademark process is confusing because most of what everyone says is based on conjecture and rumor. The fact of the matter is that even though Federal trademarks are not technically obtainable yet, cannabis businesses are positioning themselves and securing related trademarks that will help them in the future. During this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los speaks with cannabis trademark attorney Neil Juneja about the actions that entrepreneurs need to take now to secure their business identity and defend their intellectual property from both scoundrels and the ignorant.

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Episode 22 - Treating Brain Injury with Cannabis and Mushrooms with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

Episode 22 - Treating Brain Injury with Cannabis and Mushrooms with guest Dr. Ethan Russo

There is a new way to treat traumatic brain injuries that some neuroscientists believe will help patients recover more fully. Microdosing cannabis to support the endocannabinoid system while also microdosing psilocybin, the active molecule in hallucinogenic mushrooms, promises to help in the recovery of brain injury and PTSD by giving the brain what it needs to heal, rebuild and reorient itself. During this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los welcomes back Dr. Ethan Russo to talk about this revolutionary approach, the scientific support for it, and some suggestions for those considering self-medicating.

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Episode 21 - Teaming with Microbes and Fungi for Thriving Cannabis with guest Jeff Lowenfels

Episode 21 - Teaming with Microbes and Fungi for Thriving Cannabis with guest Jeff Lowenfels

There is a wave of resistance to the further use of synthetic nutrients and chemical pesticides when growing cannabis. Cannabis producers are now building living microbe and fungal communities in their soil to produce thriving and healthy cannabis plants with large yields that can protect themselves from pests. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with legendary living soil advocate and author Jeff Lowenfels about some of the ways to nurture your soil to maximize the terpene profile, yield and marketability.of your cannabis plants.

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Episode 20 - The New Wave of Cannabis Consumers with guest Jane West

Episode 20 - The New Wave of Cannabis Consumers with guest Jane West

Continuing normalization means a new wave of cannabis consumers are discovering the health and happiness benefits of the plant. These newcomers are getting turned on in such numbers that they are now influencing cannabis laws, product design and social mores. On this week's episode of Shaping Fire, podcast host Shango Los talks with Jane West, founder of Jane West and Women Grow about the motivations and expectations of this new segment of consumers, how they will impact the market, and why savvy cannabis companies will consider their desires.

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Episode 19 - A Rather Interesting Chat about CO2 Extraction with guest AC Braddock

Episode 19 - A Rather Interesting Chat about CO2 Extraction with guest AC Braddock

Using carbon dioxide to extract oils from the cannabis plant has become exceptionally popular around the entire world. The technology has come a long way in both its efficiencies and the quality of its output. During today's episode of Shaping Fire,  podcast host Shango Los sits down with AC Braddock, CEO of Eden Labs, to discuss CO2 technology's place in the market, how it compares to other extraction options, defending engineering intellectual property and the importance of a well-trained lab extraction team. The episode finishes with a short discussion of the importance of the kindness culture historically present in the cannabis scene and why it is so relevant to cannabis business going forward.

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